As some of you might now, I’m not a big layering buff. In fact, I only start adding additional layers into an outfit when the weather dictates it, which it did today as the coincidence goes.

After the untimely end of my light weight Barbour jacket, my sartorial Swiss army knife if you want, I was in need for something else in between a warm coat and and just an odd jacket. I used this seasons outlet sale from SuitSupply and picked up a field jacket. It is unlined which means it will not keep you warm but it is wind and water proof, so it’s ideal for combining it with a cardigan. And of course, it has big pockets. Did I ever mention how I love jacket or coats with big pockets? I’m like one of these girls who always point out that her dress has pockets when you compliment her. The curse of having a “long wallet” (yes gentlemen, size does matter… when you carry multiple currencies).

Items worn in this post are from: